
With forgiveness, it is important to be emotionally close to oneself  in order to restore harmony in the body and the psyche. It is not uncommon for our childhood or relationship experiences to affect our everyday actions and negatively influence our decisions. It is therefore necessary that we forgive and heal.

Letting go

The process of letting go is not limited to a relationship that has ended, but also to feelings, habits or beliefs that prevent one from moving forward in a carefree way. Mental attachment to the past can create blockages that manifest themselves in mistrust, doubt or in sleep and concentration disorders. In order to change or prevent this condition, one must be free and open to change.


The loss of a loved one or pet can be challenging for those left behind, and it might feel like debilitating pain. The change can trigger feelings of loneliness, guilt and even anger, making letting go almost impossible. However, coming to terms with and accepting the circumstances are essential in order to come to terms with the painful situation and move on with one’s own life.

These emotional pains are closely connected. In order to let go, forgiveness, allowing and processing grief are very effective. Hypnosis and EMDR techniques can be used to process the stress and integrate it into life without feeling unpleasant emotions. The end result is not to erase the stressful memories, but making peace with them means that harmony can occur.

Vergebung Loslassen Trauer Anwendungsgebiete Therapie Priya Wadhwa Psychotherapie und Hypnose Berlin